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How You Can Improve Your SEO Score by Performing a Website Audit?

by Jaselyn Royan

  • 2024-04-24

Making a website audit now and then is very important because it helps you identify any errors affecting its usability and ranking position. You must read this blog if you don’t know how to improve your SEO score while relying on an audit.

SEO Penguins has a huge team with expertise in technical SEO and auditing. I have been part of the audit team for the last five years, and I can guarantee you that without website audits, there is no way you can create a roadmap to improve your SEO score.

In this article, we will discuss in detail what a website audit is, its different types, and how you can easily improve your SEO. So, without any delay, let us dive right into the details.

What is a Website Audit?

First, you should know that a website audit is a detailed examination of a complete site or some of its pages. A website audit is usually made before implementing a long-term SEO campaign or redesigning or revamping its core elements.

By auditing your website, you can easily find out whether it is optimized enough to gather organic traffic and appear in the search results of Google and other top-rated search engines.

Auditing a website alone can be a hectic task requiring technical experience. You can make this process easy in two ways: get help from online auditing tools or outsource this job to a reliable SEO agency like ours.

SEO Penguins offers the most affordable and reliable technical audit service for all websites.

Different Types of Website Audits You Should Know About!

 Here, we have discussed some of the most common types of website audits that webmasters and SEO marketers conduct.

1. Competitive Website Audit

A competitive website audit is one of the most popular and common ones that you can conduct today. This type of audit includes tracking your direct competitor’s performance and their strategies to get on the top serps.

This helps you see any opportunities or strategies that you might be missing. You can also learn from the failures of your competitors with this kind of audit.

In a competitive website audit, you have to track the strengths and weaknesses of the site and highlight opportunities and threats it might face.

2. Backlink Profile Audit

This type of website audit involves examining the links that point towards your website. This audit lets you easily find the missing issues or opportunities when building your link profile. You can find any broken links affecting your site's authority by evaluating the links pointing toward your site.

In link audits, you must consider the URL source, domain, anchor text, and keywords to see if the value is being passed on to your page from the linking site. By auditing the link juice, you can easily track whether a link benefits your site or hurts its authority and position in the serps.

Different tools like the Google search console or the backlink analyzer by Ahref can help you analyze the value of links.

3. Lead Conversion Audit

You can easily analyze your website's conversion issues and opportunities by conducting a lead conversion optimization audit. In this type of audit, you would analyze how much traffic is coming to your site and from which sources.

If you are getting low conversions, then there is a chance that your intended traffic doesn’t find your content to be helpful. Knowing where your traffic comes from lets you easily understand their interests and behavior. This helps you optimize your site’s content according to their interest.

An important point you need to note is that your website content should always be informative, updated, and helpful for the audience.

4. Website SEO Audit 

The link audit analyzes the backlinks pointing toward your site, which is also a significant part of SEO, but you must know that the website SEO audit involves evaluating all factors that impact your site’s performance in Google search results.

In an SEO audit, you check keyword usage, content quality, metadata, page speed, user experience, image optimization, and other relevant factors that the search engine considers when ranking your site.

Today, you can access multiple tools, such as keyword analyzers, plagiarism checkers, page speed analyzers, etc., to help you with SEO auditing.

5. Data Privacy Audit

A data privacy audit is probably one of the most important ones. In this type of audit, you must check whether your site follows the latest security protocols and is safe for your targeted audience.

You must know that Google always prioritizes websites that are trustworthy and safe to use for users. While conducting a data privacy audit, you must check what personal information your site collects from its visitors, identify any security laws you need to follow, list all cookies your site users use, and create policies that meet legal requirements.

Creating a privacy policy, cookie policy, consent banner, and terms of use agreement are all important to securing your site. SEO Penguins can help you create these technical documents as we have the best privacy experts on board!

What are the Benefits of Conducting a Website Audit?

Here are some of the common advantages you can enjoy by making a website audit:

1. Compare Your Site to Competitors

By conducting a website audit, you can easily compare your site to your direct competitors and see how well you rank against them. You can find out the keywords they are using and trending topics, as well as identify other potential sources of revenue generation. This comparison helps you brainstorm new strategies and tactics for your website.

2. Improve Your Site SEO Score

By making an audit, you would be able to identify missed SEO opportunities and any poorly set elements that might be compromising the experience of your site. You can find overstuffing of keywords, broken links, plagiarized content, and much more, and fix it to improve your score and ranking.

3. Optimize Your Conversion Rates

Website audits can also help you evaluate the effectiveness of your site in generating leads and getting more conversions. An audit can help you overlook any opportunities you missed in the past to convert visitors into leads. You can add CTAs, identify problems with landing pages, and follow other strategies to boost conversions.

4. Identify Issues at Early Stages

A website audit would help you find any issues affecting your SEO score and conversions before it’s too late and you start facing penalties. You can find broken links, long page load time issues, a lack of mobile responsiveness, thin content, and much more with an audit. By identifying these issues on time, you can address them before your site sulks in the lower ranks.

How Can Website Audit Improve Your SEO Profile?

SEO Penguins have the resources and expertise to conduct an in-depth website audit, so you don’t have to stress about putting in any manual effort. Our team can conduct regular site audits and provide you with detailed reports and suggestive strategies to improve your site’s performance.

This section discusses how a website audit can help you improve your site’s SEO!

1. You Can Find and Fix Broken Backlinks

Backlinks are important for your site as these can direct traffic from other sites to yours. Google values links from sites that have higher authority than yours. Getting quality links can help you get top search results, but if any of your backlinks are broken, it can negatively affect your profile. This issue can be identified in the audit, and you can fix broken links there to avoid any penalties.

2. You can Identify & Rephrase Plagiarism

You also find plagiarized or low-quality content on your site during the audit. Bad-quality content can damage your site’s credibility, seo score, and ranking position. So, when you have identified content-related issues, you can easily remove plagiarism or rephrase content of a better quality.

3. Analyze and Adjust the Right Keywords

Keywords are solid pillars in the world of search engine optimization. In the website audit, you can identify keywords you have used and the value they bring to your site. You can improve keyword density if it is low, decrease it if you have overstuffed, and ensure that all KWs and LSIs are relevant to your site's niche.

4. Improve Technical Aspects of Your Site

The website audit can easily identify your website's technical weaknesses. You can find out if your site is not mobile responsive, has a high page load time, and has any unstructured internal links. You can fix these issues yourself if you have the expertise or order technical SEO services from SEO Penguins.

5. Practice Local Website SEO Strategies

Your website audit can also help you identify your site’s position in the local market and compare it with competitors. After the audit, you can easily work on local SEO aspects. If you don’t have expertise in executing local SEO strategies, you can also order local SEO services from SEO Penguins.

6. Monitor and Implement Changes

You need to remember that SEO or website improvement is an ongoing effort. You must conduct audits regularly to discover any errors, glitches, or required updates. You can monitor your site’s performance and implement any changes. SEO Penguins can help you implement changes, improve your SEO profile, and achieve a better ranking position.


Conducting a website audit is very important as it helps you highlight any underlying issues and seek improvement opportunities. In this guide, we have explained in detail what a website audit is, the different types of audits, the benefits of conducting your website’s audit, and how you can improve your SEO profile.

SEO Penguins is an all-in-one digital marketing solution for those seeking to improve websites and get better ranking positions. After reading this blog, we hope you understand the importance of website auditing. To get your site audited, you can get a free proposal today from SEO Penguins.

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